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It is no secret that there has been a major shift in how information is consumed since the rise of the internet and the convenience of smartphones. The luxury of shopping and browsing on the go has made it easier for businesses to reach potential customers with the proper advertising tools and digital marketing strategies. 

Every business’s purpose for needing advertising is unique, and different advertising and marketing mediums are available to fit your needs. We have chosen the six best advertising tools for 2023, as listed below.

What are advertising and marketing tools?

Advertising and marketing tools can assist with paid communication or promotion of products, services, or ideas. These business tools help to gain potential customers and drive profits from direct sales. Printed flyers and ads have been advertising tools of the past, and though they will never die, the print industry isn’t keeping pace with online advertising. Businesses of all sizes can benefit from good advertising and marketing strategies to expand their online presence.

Why does my business need advertising tools?

Businesses need advertising tools for several reasons:

  • Ad campaigns provide instant feedback and monitoring. Some platforms, such as Facebook ad manager and Google Adwords, allow you to monitor individual campaigns to know if your advertising is effective. They will provide information such as the people who view your ads, which time of the month gets the most ad views, and which devices people use to view and respond to your ads.
  • Ads function to increase your business’s credibility. When a small business decides to pay for advertising, it shows consumers that you are credible, open, and believe in your brand. When viewing an ad or online store with many positive reviews, customers are more willing to reach into their pockets.
  • The proper ads help to reach your target audience. Some big perks to paying for advertising on platforms such as Facebook or Google is that their algorithms enable your ads to reach your target market successfully. 
  • Advertising helps to keep your customers up to date. You can create ads to convey new information to your customers in real-time, such as new products that will launch, price changes, sales, fundraisers, upcoming events, etc. 
  • Advertising increases consumer traffic. Statistics have shown that about 82 percent of consumers go online to search for products they want to purchase in-store or check out the reviews of a restaurant before they go to eat there. If done correctly, advertising can also boost your conversion rates.

The best types of advertising tools of 2023:

1. Email marketing tools.

Email marketing is a direct marketing strategy with the intention to send a commercial email to a group of people via email. 

Tools like Mailchimp or HubSpot can effectively give customers updates on sales, sale items, discount codes, events, and virtually any update on information for the business. Most tools offer smooth automation and management tools to streamline workflows for your team members.

This can be an excellent tool because curious and even returning customers usually like to see updates on brands and companies they want. This works most effectively for companies that have organically grown consumer email lists — not for bought email lists so that you can spam people. 

With email apps directly on everyone’s smartphone or with notifications enabled, emails can easily pop up on the phone screen for individuals to see a preview of what is in the email. For this to work best, the subject line must be highly catchy for customers to want to open the email and view the contents.

2. Search engine marketing tools.

Search engine marketing, also known as SEM, is a form of advertising promoting a specific website through search engine result pages. 

Many SEM campaigns include paid advertisements and are displayed on top of the organic listing search results. These ads can be based on your device’s enabled location settings or keywords used in the search bar. 

Platforms such as Google Analytics or Facebook Ads will charge by PPC (pay-per-click), where the business will be charged for each click. This is where effective SEO management can come into play, and you can use analytics tools to measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

3. Search engine optimization tools.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a highly sought-after type of SEM that impacts the frequency or visibility of a website on a search engine results page.

SEO refers explicitly to where your website ranks organically compared to other pages. Usually, SEO specialists can be hired to help a business rank higher on, for example, Google, but Google will not charge any additional fees for your website ranking organically due to better SEO usage. 

This is where SEO tools come in handy. You can provide a clean user experience, but without proper SEO utilization, you won’t be able to optimize your content marketing strategy. SEO tools like Semrush often provide keyword metrics and customizable integrations to help you generate high-quality digital content for your blogs and landing pages.

Although SEM and SEO differ slightly, they can go hand in hand in ranking your website higher on a search engine platform, increasing your ideal customer reach.

4. Social media marketing tools.

Social media marketing is marketing to your audience through social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn. 

This strategy increases your online presence and awareness. It allows your followers, who are most likely your potential customers, to share their thoughts or feelings about your product or service with their social networks. You can also utilize influencers to tap into new demographics and increase your brand awareness and lead generation.

It is essential to foster relationships via social platforms to keep customers returning and potentially new customers spending some money.

5. Blogging tools.

Although blogging is not entirely an advertising tool, there are advertising components involved with blogging that can be great for motivating consumers to come back for more. 

There is a direct impact that blogging has that drives traffic to a website. A blog creates reasons for customers to return to your page, want to read more, want to learn more, and eventually want to try your products.

Plus, with affiliate marketing, you can advertise your products through additional channels by partnering with influencers, media companies, and more to market your products and services through their blogs. They’ll earn a small commission from the sale, and you reach an even larger audience.

6. Ad creation tools.

After you create a website, optimize it, and organically rank it on Google, you can create your own ads with ad creation tools

Sometimes you may not always have the extra money in the budget to hire a graphic designer for your ad creation, so there are good old ad creation tools like Looka that are easy to use to create your own ads.

The bottom line.

Advertising and marketing are crucial for small businesses to thrive. You can watch your business’s profits and revenue skyrocket with the right advertising tools and marketing strategies, whether in ecommerce, crypto, or any other industry. 

Sometimes, there may not be enough money in the budget to splurge on advertising, but choosing to prioritize purchasing advertising tools will surely bring prosperity and growth to your business.

Nowadays, consumers want to browse on the go, making digital advertising even more crucial for business owners to invest in. If you need more guidance or support starting your new business, we can help you over at Entrepreneur.com.

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